Weston-super-Mare U3A

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Alan Purnell (417077) has kindly agreed to take over the leadership of this easy walk in the unavoidable absence of Peter and Audrey (U3A business). Meet as scheduled in lane outside Crown Inn at Churchill. Turn off A368 at Nelson Arms.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


The following lecture report was accidentally omitted from the current newsletter. Humble apologies to Tim. Another editorial senior moment I'm afraid.

MARCH - Reconnecting the Public with Agriculture

Our speaker was Patrick Holden CBE, Director of the Soil Association, who in 1973 became a full-time organic farmer on a 240 acre mixed dairy farm in West Wales, which he now owns and continues to farm. He helped to establish some of the marketing initiatives for organic dairy products and vegetables in the early eighties, was a founder and the first chair of British Organic Farmers, and he served on the board of the United Kingdom Register of Organic Food Suppliers between 1987 and 1999.
He told us how the Soil Association was conceived and born in the 1950s by Lady Eve Balfour, who was dedicated to eating and then supplying food that had not been contaminated by man. Since then, the organization has had considerable influence over food and farming policy, both at government level and with the public through its high media profile.
He went into the chemistry of the soil, the marketing of the products today, and the ramifications of entry into the market by the supermarkets, which regulate prices and are always seeking to reduce the price to the suppliers. That, coupled to the government's policy until recently, of paying a much lower subsidy to organic farmers than to non-organic farmers, had resulted in artificially high prices on the shelves. Fortunately, the situation is improving, and with more farms being converted should get even better.
Questions were lively and many, and I do think could have gone on far longer.Co-incidentally, when I got home there was an email telling me that Somerset Local Food Direct was to start operating in Weston on 8 April. Those interested should visit its web site - www.sfmdirect.co.uk, where you will see sections for meat, poultry, fish, groceries, fruit & vegetables, and many other categories.
As a long-time convert to organics, may I wish you happier eating and better health.

Tim Shapley

The Weston U3A Lectures
October - December 2005
At St Paul's Church Hall, Walliscote Road, WSM
Members and Visitors 50p.
On second Fridays of the month,
at 2.00 for 2.30 pm.
Oct. 14th
Traditional Song and Dance". Brian served on the
teaching staff of the English Folk Dance and Song
Society and with Paul will sing and play folk songs
from Somerset and demonstrate early ritual dancing
through to social country dances.
(Chair: Charles Havill)
Nov. 11th
JOHN ANGUS: "Mountain Rescue in Somerset and
Avon". John was at one time chair of the voluntary team
of local rescuers and will talk about his experiences.
(Chair: Peter Watson)
Dec. 9th
NICK GALLEGOS. "The Modern NHS". Nick is a
consultant general surgeon at Weston General Hospital
and will give us his own take on developments in our local
health service.
(Chair: Pat Hase)