Weston-super-Mare U3A

Monday, February 25, 2008

Your help is wanted.

Weston U3A relies entirely upon the voluntary services of a host of individuals. We are exceedingly grateful to all group leaders and to those who work in the background providing the essential services needed to keep us going. We appreciate that many of our members are unable to help, sometimes due to their age or health, and sometimes because their other commitments prevent them from doing so.

However, we appeal to anyone who could spare a little time to consider coming forward. There are two areas where help is urgently need.

Firstly, we need volunteers to help at our weekly coffee mornings held at the Friends' Meeting House in the High Street. Reg Whittaker and Noel Feltwell have been setting out and clearing the tables, etc. for many years, and they have recently been joined once a month by Jack Luxon. They could do with more help for the other Tuesdays and for holiday relief.

Secondly, due to the sad demise of Dave Hunt we need to find another cashier. He took in the monies collected at the coffee mornings and banked them every week.

If you can help, send an e-mail to webmaster@u3aweston.org.uk giving your name and contact details, together with the job you could do and you will be contacted as soon as possible. We are asking you to do this, as we try as far as possible not to disclose telephone numbers online. as doing so can attract unwanted spam.


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